Sacred Andean Tradition workshop 19 - 23 March 2025.
Sacred Andean Tradition workshop 19 – 23 March 2025.

The path of the paqo [mesa carrier] is the path of munay, [compassion, unconditional love and respect for all living energies]. This unique energy reflects your connection to the lineage of the Sacred Andean Tradition. The literal translation of the word mesa is a table. The Spanish word for Catholic Mass is a derivative of this – misa. A less literal translation is an altar. A mesa can be described as a ritual or medicine bundle containing khuyas [healing stones] and other objects of particular significance to the Initiate.

Mesa Bundles
Mesa Bundles

The common thread between all the different kinds of the mesa is the reciprocal law of ayni expressed, as today for you, tomorrow for me. When you pick up a stone to place in your mesa, first ask permission from the rock to do so. Always remember when taking articles from nature, take them in ayni. This means leaving something in exchange. A little tobacco, a hair from your head or a prayer etc., to express gratitude and thanks to Pachamama for the gift.

The mesa forms an integral part of all ceremonies, rituals and cleansing. It is required to be physically present on all such occasions. The Initiate is always connected to their mesa energetically, even when it is not physically present with them. The mesa will naturally evolve and transform, reflecting your spiritual journey and growth. This is a fundamental energy principle – it is in constant motion, never static. Your mesa is an embodied symbol of your power; work consciously with it.

Using the mesa to clear heavy energies during the Despacho ceremony
Using the mesa to clear heavy energies during the Despacho ceremony

Do not open your mesa in front of others. The exception is when we are required to open it in the presence of a higher initiate of the Sacred Andean Tradition. Work consciously with it, and interact with the elements in it. This shows respect for all of life, including yourself. Keep adding to your power with new objects of importance to you. Capture the memory of the place or moment; the energy of these objects symbolises your power and is a source of energy. By holding each object, blowing your intention to the universe and placing it in your mesa, you add energy to the objects in a synergistic blend. From time to time, take your mesa and put it on the earth as a release and renewal of energy; follow your intuition.

Preparing to clear heavy energies with the mesa during the Despacho ceremony
Preparing to clear heavy energies with the mesa during the Despacho ceremony