Welcome to the Sacred Andean tradition (SAT). The Andean Tradition is present in all towns and villages, in every cultural manifestation along the length and width of the South American Andes; however, in the cosmology of the Sacred Andean Tradition, we find the summary of all cultural, philosophical and existential spirituality expressions of the Andes.
Level 1: Paq’o
The first level of initiation starts with basic but thorough teachings given by the Amawtas [teachers] about the elements found in nature, bringing a clear understanding of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. These are followed by the principles of the real art of interpreting the Elements.

For Western society, we organise the teachings as a four-day workshop format in a retreat venue; however, these teachings take place over several days in the country when we are in the Andes.

We spend time in the open fields, in the valleys, in the high mountains, under the trees, or next to a river, a cocha, a puquial, a lake or a stream, experiencing and internalising all the teachings as they are presented. Here in South Africa, we bring the teachings in a format that is valid for Western culture disciples. The first level of understanding culminates in the initiation as a Paq’o, an apprentice of the Andean Priesthood. The Andean Paq’o dedicate themselves to preserving and expressing the Andean philosophy in absolute harmony. When the Paq’o is balanced, light shines bright in their hearts and actions.

Paq’o is the first level of Priesthood in the Sacred Andean Tradition. They become responsible for the principles of the SAT; they must be fully committed to following and respecting the SAT teachings. They must primarily honour their inner teacher and look after themselves. The Paq’o receives a Mesa that contains the essential elements. They must work with their mesa and add elements to it. The Paq’o must also increase their knowledge.

Level 2: Pampa Mesayoq
Despacho is a thanksgiving ceremony, an offering, and a ceremony of raising petitions to Illa Ticsi Wiracocha. There are several types of offering ceremonies in the Andes, such as Pagapuy; we learn to do Pagapuy to Earth, Pagapuy to Water, the Cocha [rivers] and Mayu [streams], Pagapuy to Air, in honour of knowledge, there are Pagapuy’s to the local Apus [sacred mountains], to the regional Apus and national Apus; these are various types of offerings with the sacred MamaCoca.

So they learn to work in respect and honour through various despacho ceremonies to Pachamama, Yacumama, Wayratata, and NinaTata, always keeping in mind that the Sun provides us with the life energy we require to survive. Tayta Inti, the Sun, is in partnership with Mama Killa, the Moon. We experience the balance and sacred union of Heaven and Earth, the Sun and Earth, Tayta Inti and Pachamama.
![Using the mesa to cleanse Jucha [dense energy] during the Despacho ceremony](https://sacredandeantradition.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/IMG_3913.jpg)
Level 3.1: Ayllu Alto Mesayoq can only be attended in Peru.
After a period of learning, the Andean priest becomes a candidate for the Third level of understanding: Ayllu Alto Mesayoq. This priest serves their community and learns to be a bridge of energies, cultures, values, and principles. Teaches by example, giving in Ayni and learning to receive in a balanced order of reciprocity. We learn to share. Always with the best interests of the community in mind. In integrity. In the past, a level of Ayllu Alto Mesayoq needed three years to integrate. Now we are doing it after one year. This level takes place only in Cusco, Peru, but has two sub-levels that are held in South Africa.
Level 3.2: Llaqta Alto Mesayoq
This is the level of Llaqta Alto Mesayoq. This priest is responsible for a larger community and several ayllus and has better communication with the leaders of various ayllus, so planning and administrative structures are essential for the common benefit of a balanced existence. Harmony is the daily exchange of energies, produce, services, art, healing, and technology, remembering that all human activity happens within the balance of the four elements.
Llaqta Alto Mesayoq receives a better understanding of the cycles of life and energies, the connection of life and death as a process. Understanding that everything has a beginning and an end, everything is temporary; nothing may be permanent, even life may be short or very long, and death may connect the person’s existence to several energy manifestations. Life and death may be understood as a point of view of energy being extinguished or manifested. This energy unit is the runa, the human being.
Level 3.3: Suyo Alto Mesayoq
The next level of initiation is Suyo Alto Mesayoq. This priest has gone beyond planet Earth and has an existential connection to the stars, the cosmos, and the Southern Cross. Suyo Alto Mesayoq’s journey into understanding our relationship with the Universe, the heavens, and the stars through the Sacred Andean Tradition principles. We then understand what we are doing on this Earth, what our value is as star beings, universal beings, again just runas. We are all runas. Allpapaq, the Universe calls us all. All runas [people] are the collective Canapaq [Humanity].
Level 4: Kuraq Akulleq can only be attended in Peru.
After the Suyo Alto Mesayoq level comes the level of interrelations, the Kuraq Akulleq is a master of knowledge, overseeing the appropriate connection of the Sacred Andean Tradition with all cultures of the world; they are the Amawtas [Master Teachers]. They act as bridges to bring other cultures into the consciousness of the Sacred Andean Tradition. Integration through understanding facilitates the awakening to a higher consciousness of awareness.

The Kuraq Akulleq teaches by example, observing nature and a balanced grasp of our existence—the life of the runas [people] on our Pachamama [Earth]. The Kuraq Akulleq understands all the knowledge from the four directions of the world, all languages, and all places; the Kuraq Akulleq should be a communicator and integrator of all cultures of the planet.
The Sacred Andean Tradition teaches about three other levels of sacred beings after the Kuraq Akulleq level. These levels are not present currently on Pachamamita but will be available again in the future when the evolution of humanity results in the expansion of consciousness.
Mallku Inca, the fifth level:
The fifth level, then, is the Mallku Inca. This being can bring harmony and balance to everything that exists; just holding their hand over disease or imbalances, the cells are instantly healed, and the perfect balance may be physical, mental or emotional. Mallku Inca may bring direction to the minds and hearts of humanity towards evolution based upon unconditional love.
Sapa Inca, the sixth level:
The sixth level is that of Sapa Inca; the beings at this level have such inner energy that they can manifest it in the form of light, a bright, luminous glow. They shine day and night. This should be the last prospective level; however, only one being shall reach the level of Taytanchis Rantiy, equivalent to a human being holding the light of a divine being, God, a level of energy integrated into the Universe. Not much is known about Taytanchis Rantiy, only that this level will be integrated into the Universe.
Thank you!
by Kamaq Wageaq, 10th April 2018.

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